They head to Game Central Station and travel through power cords and outlets. The bad guys all leave the Pac-Man game and Ralph steals some cherries on the way out. Ralph is told that he needs to accept that bad guys cannot change who they are and they close out the meeting with the bad guy affirmation. He is asked if he is going Turbo and Ralph assures everyone that he is not. Everyone starts to freak out and says to Ralph that he cannot mess with the program. This is Ralph’s first meeting because that day is the 30 th anniversary of his game and he doesn’t want to be the bad guy anymore. Ralph is at Bad-Anon and is sharing his story with the other bad guys. Every day, Felix is celebrated and is gifted pie. He sleeps against a stump and under a blanket of bricks. The Nicelanders and Felix hang out without Ralph and Ralph goes home to his dump. Ralph is still narrating and says that it is the same after work. The arcade closes and all of the characters do their own thing after work. Ralph thinks that a steady game is nothing to be upset about, but he still wants more.

The years pass and other arcade games come and go, but Fix-It Felix remains. A caption reads ’30 Years Ago’ and kids are very impressed with the technology of the Fix-It Felix Jr. At the end of the game, the Nicelanders throw Ralph off of the building. Felix gets a medal for fixing things, but there is no medal for wrecking things.

Ralph wrecks the Nicelanders’ building, but since the name of the game is to fix-it, Felix is the good guy with his magic hammer than can fix anything. He is nine feet tall, 643 pounds, has a bit of a temper, and he wrecks things professionally. Ralph is narrating and says that he is a bad guy. Wreck-It Ralph begins by showing the Fix-It Felix Jr. Sequels: Ralph Breaks the Internet (2018)Īcademy Awards: Best Animated Feature (nomination) Premiered on: Octoat the El Capitan Theatre, Hollywood